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Shattered Soulmate
Thanks for your insight, ThePaladan! I was hoping to hear what someone else thought of this one, and it sounds like you saw a lot of the same things I did, which actually makes me feel a lot better and more confident in my own interpretation.

As you know, I've seen my share of strange things and have somehow managed to do some off the wall stuff... but rather than embrace my own experiences like you have, I was pretty freaked out by them until I found this place, and even since then it's been a constant struggle for me thinking that I may just be "crazy". It certainly didn't help being involved with someone who constantly tried to convince me I was crazy... I think I'm starting to FINALLY realize that fighting my dreams and intuition has helped me as much as these terrible relationships I somehow manage to get into.

I think you are right. I don't think I should just write off the possibility of reincarnation altogether. It certainly couldn't hurt to know more about it since the theme keeps popping up in my dreams. I both LOVE and hate the idea of reincarnation and soul mates. On the one hand, how comforting would it be to know there is life after death and a person out there perfect for you, and you perfect for them. To have that fairy tale sort of love that carries on, not just in this lifetime, but in each and every lifetime! How amazing would it be to know that in each life you get to find your soulmate and fall in love with them over and over again until the end of time!?  But on the other hand... You'd have to be pretty lucky to share life after life with your soulmate. It's assuming you find them and assuming a HUGE number of things hasn't happened to you or them or both of you. I think it's equally tragic to think that you could be doomed to a life without that kind of love, while believing it exists...  which was illustrated painfully in this dream. I don't like to believe in destiny. I like the idea that we choose who we are to a large extent. The idea of soulmates, especially when combined with reincarnation, I feel challenges that idea to some degree. In a way, a huge part of your life is then predetermined. Either by a past life or a soulmate's past life. I can't say I know a lot about reincarnation, but I'm pretty sure it ties in with karma. So I assume both partners would have to be perfectly in sync throughout time eternal for you both to have a good chance at finding happiness together. It seems like even then there are so many things that would factor in. From the little bit I've read, it sounds like karma can get pretty complicated.

While incarnation looks like something I should learn a little more about, what I got most from this dream had very little to do with actual reincarnation. Sounds like you saw that too. Like most of my dreams, this was also a very metaphorical dream, but one I FINALLY understood. Probably due to the intensity of strong emotional pain I felt. This dream illustrated my situation at the time. The reincarnation or "rebirth" was symbolic of change. Every day we each make choices and do things that change us as a person in a good or bad way. Anyone at anytime can CHOOSE who they want to be, change, and, in a way, be "reborn" then start a "new life"... but that doesn't mean that it will be easy or that it won't hurt, in fact its usually pretty challenging and sometimes painful. I think that this dream was a calling for change. I was being shown that my current path would lead to more heartbreak. Both halves of the shattered woman was me. I could have been the woman who chose a more "suitable" partner and who gained confidence and focused on her talents and finding her own happiness ... but I chose to be the broken fragment that relied on someone else to validate her existence with the belief he was my soulmate. Someone who didn't see me for who I was. Someone who would allow me to "shatter" myself to make them happy. Someone, who in every way, proved he was not my soulmate. And the end result of this was me "faded away" into nothing after a chosen life of misery. I had chosen this path repeatedly. (The actual "relationship" was an on and off again relationship. I was constantly told I wasn't good enough and that I had to "change" for this man to be happy, who in the end and despite all of my efforts to please him, decided I wasn't good enough for him anyway.) Believing this and letting this cycle continue would ensure that the pain would also continue. The cat never said that in the incarnation in which I shattered myself for this man, we were even together. It was quite possible that I did that for him all in vain... and I sort of get the feeling that is exactly what happened... because I never felt any joy or happiness once that man came into the dream. The "love" I felt , in that dream, was painful and punishing. A true soulmate would have either added to or enhanced the joy and excitement I felt early on in the dream. I was initially very upset that the dream gave me such strong and painful feelings. It felt a lot like overkill... but after some reflection, I think it had to be that way, because a very serious point was being made, and had it not been THAT painful, I would have just shrugged that dream off like all of the others, because I'm stubborn like that sometimes. But I certainly got the answer to my intention. lol! I love how the dream ended. Well, at lease I did after thinking about it for a while. The last thing I saw in that dream was the candle going out... and then I woke up to a new day! A new chapter!

I liked that I was visited by a black cat this time. How fitting! Black cats are not often considered good luck, but being on the path that I was, I guess I really couldn't have expected to be visited by good luck. (lol!) "Bad luck", however, brought me some very invaluable insight and experience. With that, the ability to change my course, if I wanted to. I can use this insight to conjure up my own good luck! Having been visited by a cat in general may have been a clue as to where to start. Cats are pretty independent, intuitive, cuddly (sometimes)  and so, SO CUTE! They are also pretty good at setting boundaries and enforcing them. I think it's time for me to enjoy my own personal freedom for a while, heal, be a little more social, make use of my talents and embrace my intuition.

Also... I'm so sorry, but I can't NOT share this:

Messages In This Thread
Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-12-2017, 09:35 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-13-2017, 07:08 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-13-2017, 02:38 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-14-2017, 03:19 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Goldengirl - 12-14-2017, 07:56 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-14-2017, 11:29 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-15-2017, 05:47 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-15-2017, 07:32 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-15-2017, 10:03 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-15-2017, 10:43 PM

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