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Shattered Soulmate
Ooooh~ Thank you, ThePaladen! I'm always happy to get new book recommendations! The description you gave of energy does make a little more sense to me and I'd like to know more about that. After reading a little more about Karma, I cringe to think of what I must have been like in past incarnations. How does one find out about these wounds? Is this covered in the books you mentioned? Because I would really like to know more about that. You would not believe my terrible luck. LOL, I've been told many times I should write a book... :X
Anyway, would you mind telling me what the best starter book would be, in your opinion?

Maybe I wasn't clear in what I thought a "soulmate" was. In this dream, it was an eternal partner. I agree with you both. I think soulmates should indeed help you grow and challenge you. I know that relationships can be difficult and require a great deal of work and everyone comes with their own share of "baggage". I don't think anyone can or even should be happy in a relationship ALL the time. The good and bad things you work through as partners are the very things that help your soul develop, grow and bring you closer together, I think. But I also think that overall you should be more happy than miserable. I actually truly adored the man I mentioned and in spite of things was usually happy, but he didn't feel the same way about me and hurt me in many unforgivable ways.

A little about me: I am a survivor. It takes a lot for me to give up on a serious relationship and I try to see the good in everyone. I often tend to see people as they could be, rather than as they are, which I realize now is unfair to both them and myself. I have endured many forms of abuse and cheating. I'll stay in a serious and committed relationship as long as I believe that the person I am with is doing their best to work through their issues. I know how challenging that can be and how important having support in that is... as I have my own challenges. I try to be encouraging and supportive, UNTIL I am told by the person I am with that they feel no need to change their abusive or hurtful behaviors. At that point, I leave for good. The man mentioned in this dream was no different, except that I refused to give up on him, believing him to be my "soulmate". The many times he broke up with me, I waited faithfully for him to return... and he did, after fulfilling his own selfish desires. While there were some things that he did for me that were quite wonderful, to include challenging me in very good ways, there were things that he did that were extremely hurtful and unforgiving and often detrimental to my own healing process... even so, I let him make the call to turn in the towel. And that last time was the final time and his choice.

I believe that this man was narcissistic, but I knew that this wasn't his choice and also not his fault. I kept his 'condition' in consideration and often catered to him knowing full well what it meant, but asking for the simplest things, such as a bit of emotional support or affection, would prove to be to much for him and he would explode into a fit of rage and often do everything in his power to crush me then leave me. It finally just grew to be too much for me to bear. My attempts to get emotional support or affection from him were too much for him as he felt that by me asking, even in the sweetest way I could, I was implying he wasn't doing enough for me and somehow challenging him. One reason I "disappeared" from the Dream Center, and other places, was because he often mocked my beliefs or got very jealous and it left me feeling very hurt, confused and lost. And I still feel that way to some degree, so again, I'm slowly just trying to feel my way around and collect myself. I've finally started dreaming again, and I think that is a good start.

Depending on the definition of a soulmate, it could be that this man was my soulmate. I struggle with the idea. It's truly heartbreaking to think that he could be, if there is such a thing as it was presented in the dream. But, maybe a soulmate is more of a life-long partner that helps your soul develop as needed throughout a lifetime, rather than a sort of eternal partner your soul is somehow linked to.

In the dream, other than me "knowing" this man and feeling like I loved him an incredible amount... there were no other clues. I never felt any sort of happiness or spiritual growth with him, just immense pain. I don't expect ALL sunshine and rainbows, but at least a little. His soul didn't even recognize mine. I never saw an incarnation where we were together. Maybe I was just being told that in this lifetime it could never work out. Could it be possible to feel infatuation with a soul and carry that throughout time? Because that was more of the impression I got. And I sort of hope that is the case, because if it is and if I could feel that sort of love for the wrong person, what would it be like to meet the right one?

Messages In This Thread
Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-12-2017, 09:35 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-13-2017, 07:08 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-13-2017, 02:38 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-14-2017, 03:19 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Goldengirl - 12-14-2017, 07:56 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-14-2017, 11:29 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-15-2017, 05:47 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-15-2017, 07:32 AM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by ThePaladin - 12-15-2017, 10:03 PM
RE: Shattered Soulmate - by Elyse - 12-15-2017, 10:43 PM

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