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9.2 earthquake lasting over 26 minutes
Welcome Back MTB!

Missed you. Thanks for posting about your earthquake dream. I can't say we have had many earthquake dreams lately. Before we had the many volcano eruptions this spring and summer there seemed to be an abundance of volcano dreams and bot run language.
Only a little bot language on Earthquakes not much about dreams.
That being said, it is possible that your 9.2 could be a date ( tomorrow) or a Richter scale reading of a future quake.
I have seen many different prediction websites believing a big quake of that type of size was on the horizon. Also we have had MANY big quakes in the past 10 days around the word. It would stand to reason a 9.2 isn't out of the question.
I hope not.
And over 20 minutes???? I lived through the Northridge Quake and can't comprehend one the log. Even half that long.

Now, today's bot run talks about "picture waves", which remind me of a tsunami which are usually caused by a large earthquake at sea. We should pay attention to dreams and bot language of large waves, earthquakes and similar things to see if something is on the horizon.

Again thanks for sharing your dream and stopping by.


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RE: 9.2 earthquake lasting over 26 minutes - by twiceblessed9 - 09-01-2018, 03:43 PM

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