10-22-2018, 10:16 PM
This is a follow up post. As we know, Hurricane Florence did make landfall in the Wilmington area 4 days after my post. There was a lot of wind damage and tremendous flooding as a result of the storm. Wilmington was completely cut off by the high water flooding. The flooding was not limited to Wilmington but the wide scope of this area was flooded as well. The flooding carried over into South Carolina and huge areas of NC. Many people are still trying to recover from all of the damage. Also many people who were affected by Hurricane Matthew 2 years before were hurt again by Florence. The news media follows a big story like a hurricane for a few days and then stop. This does not mean that everything is ok. Many people lost everything and have no flood insurance to replace. Not to mention the mental and emotional trauma. I do think that these dreams shown to me were a warning of the storms to come. How do you worn people? Would they listen?