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Afghan National Anthem
This was a weird dream.

I was standing in a crowded bar of a restaurant. It was daytime and the light poured in through windows. The bar was a very light color. On the tv I noticed the national anthem of Afghanistan begin to play. As it begin's I discovered it had a danceable tune and I start to make up some repeating dance steps to it. Kinda like Greek dancing . The song was long so I was dancing for awhile, low-key and by myself, still in the bar area.
Switch now to a stadium of sorts. I am in the back of a crowd. It feels like we are there for the Olympics or some other sporting events perhaps. The Afghan national anthem begins to play again and I start to dance again. A few others join in. I am thinking that it is disrespectful to dance during a National Anthem but I still dance, the song lends itself to dancing.

When I woke up, I googled the Afghan National Anthem. It did not sound exactly like what was in my dream, the actual one was a bit more of a March, however, there were some similarities.
I don't recall ever hearing the song before. I did not think about Afghanistan recently and I would not normally be knowingly rude to people from a different country.
We only really listen to a national anthem at a gathering like a sporting event, an assembly like at a school, when we morn someone serving our country or during a time our nation is in morning. I am not sure why I had this dream.

Messages In This Thread
Afghan National Anthem - by twiceblessed9 - 02-25-2019, 01:24 PM
RE: Afghan National Anthem - by Cassandra - 02-25-2019, 02:31 PM
RE: Afghan National Anthem - by twiceblessed9 - 02-25-2019, 07:04 PM

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