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12/22/19 Hurry to the New Village
I was talking about this with a friend and she suggested that perhaps it's not a word but an acronym of some sort. The first thing that popped into her head was Russia® and China©. We batted around a few options for "O" and "Ottoman Empire" came to mind. Given how the current Turkish government is intently dismantling everything that Ataturk put into place, seemingly desiring a return to the old empire, it's a possibility.

Something else occurred to me as we were talking about this: Russia and China are busily working in the Middle East. IF Turkey was to join in on their maneuverings, things could get very ugly in the ME. Turkey has a powerful military and they sorta-kinda keep things under control over there. There's also the aspect of the oil, which the US seems to believe is "ours" but in all honesty I doubt our military could stop any of those three countries if they allied together(Not unless we made it clear we were prepared to slag the ME into non-existence if they didn't back off).

Granted, this is all speculation. However, it would explain the whole "slave" aspect as well. If those three countries manage to take charge of the ME somehow, things will not go well for the citizens of the ME. Not well at all.

Messages In This Thread
12/22/19 Hurry to the New Village - by Eagle1 - 12-22-2019, 07:58 PM
RE: 12/22/19 Hurry to the New Village - by ThePaladin - 12-24-2019, 03:32 AM
RE: 12/22/19 Hurry to the New Village - by Eagle1 - 12-24-2019, 06:11 PM
RE: 12/22/19 Hurry to the New Village - by Eagle1 - 12-26-2019, 11:33 PM

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