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Can someone help me out?

You've definitely found the right place for demonstrating and documenting your abilities. Before I begin directing you around this unwieldy website, let me first say that all this about to change. We have a contractor fixing us up with a brand new seamless website that will look and feel a whole lot different (and a whole lot better, I promise). That transition should take place in the first quarter of 2015. If I had it my way (or had more money) I could probably promise it in a matter of days. Since we don't have that luxury, I'm going with Jan-Feb timeframe, with a small possiblity being as late as March that this this whole website is going to suddenly make sense.

Okay, enough said on that.

You are correct that the current dream database is the link that says, "Dreams!" However, please keep in mind that the "Dreams!" link is a whole separate software system than what we have over here in the Forum. The two do not talk. I set it up that way because I didn't have time to do it any other way and the two off-the-shelf systems cannot be patched together. Actually, this is a good thing, because it forced us to design a whole new one with some really cool bells and whistles, but I digress. The point here is that you have to register in two places right now. You're obviously squared away in the Forums, but now you'll have re-register in the Dreams Database (i.e. the DreamBase).

When you register over there, you'll receive an email that gives you a password that you must use your first time in that system. Once in, you can change the password to whatever you want. In fact, you can make your logins the same, as long as you know that if you change one login, the other one will not change automatically.

Okay, that was confusing, and just a fraction of the reason for the new site, but let's move on.

When you submit your dream, you'll notice that you can't change it. That's designed to give you credibility if the dream comes true later. Thus, when you write it up, it's best if you keep in mind the scoring system. You'll be graded on the WHAT, WHERE, and WHEN. It'll take a lot to explain that here, but just familiarize yourself with this link:

Please don't feel like you have memorize this scoring system. The point is to fill in as many gaps as you can during your dream writeup to ensure you maximize your score. Fore example, if you have metaphors, you'll get higher points if you correctly identify that metaphor before the news comes out.

Once the dream is submitted, it's up to you to watch the news for your dream coming true. Once it comes true, you fill out this form:

Why do you fill out that form? Well, because when your precognition is verified, you'll get a trophy case started in your honor. All the trophy cases are here:

It sounds confusing, but after one time through, it'll be a breeze. Please write back if you're still having problems in the DreamBase, and we'll figure something else out for you. Also be sure to try a different browser. That software is literally on its last leg. Hope it stays up until the transition! Smile

Be well and welcome,

Messages In This Thread
Can someone help me out? - by JFink - 01-03-2015, 10:12 PM
RE: Can someone help me out? - by Eagle1 - 01-03-2015, 10:40 PM
RE: Can someone help me out? - by Eagle1 - 01-03-2015, 11:43 PM

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