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Armored helicopters
Dream snippet:  I dreamed of two armored helicopters (no windows on side, armored plates instead), one of which shot a missile towards a high rise building, but missed.  I thought it was an apartment building in the U.S.  I was standing on a hill overlooking the apartment building, with a house and yard behind me.  Wandering inside, I noticed that the plumbing was not working, and we needed to build a latrine in the yard.  Like Iris's dream, this also felt like a wartime situation.

I have never seen an armored helicopter, but similar helicopters exist.

Messages In This Thread
Armored helicopters - by Maat - 05-06-2022, 12:17 PM
RE: Armored helicopters - by Cassandra - 05-07-2022, 02:43 AM

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