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1/24/15 Holy Faith under Assault + more toilet
Nanny, absolutely. It is foolish to think that there are no real psychopaths out there nor anyone who loves their religion more than another religion enough to kill them. However, the story here is that thousands of radicals have apparently come together and are taking control of towns, cities, airports, oil refineries, military bases, etc. etc.

Let's compare our own military force. We had hundreds of thousands more people than Isis has now, our military is the best trained force in the world, AND it is supported by the best equipment out there. Well, Isis is apparently doing a better job in a matter of months compared to what we did all those years. You know what? BULLSHIT! NONE of this story adds up. The beheadings just LOOK fake in and of themselves, but now let's use some logic on who might be filming this event and how the video got transported to proper CNN editor for review and playback. MORE BULLSHIT! It's just like Bin Laden's raid. BULLSHIT. NONE of any of these stories has an ounce of truth. Al Queda was staged and Isis is staged. Sure there are lots of people out there who hate the US. Frankly, I don't blame them, after all the atrocities we've conducted on their people. I can only imagine how the US looks in their eyes. Imperialistic. Materialistic. Nazi's. Racists. I mean, how else could we possibly look as we rape and pillage as we force our lifestyles upon them? Oh, and the occupy their streets and put puppets into office.

I've been to these places. I've seen how lazy these people are. It doesn't take a rocket scientists to look at the equipment that these people have and how they are neutralizing, if not beating, the best trained and equipped force the world has ever known. Something's not right there. They are getting tons of money, equipment, and manpower from somewhere, and just follow the money. Who would stand to pocket a LOT of taxpayer cash if we can maintain the war? If you can answer that, you're on the road to figuring out where the real hate is coming from. Then you can piece together where the video footage might be coming from. Suddenly, everything makes sense. Suddenly, Ferguson's riots looks strikingly similar to all the other nonsense happening around the globe that, by the way, are FAILING. The agendas are FAILING! People are waking up too fast. Soros' Ferguson attempt FAILED, and ISIS (the radical Islam version) will too. However, Isis the archetype will win. Rebirth is close. Humanity is reborn. Let it be so.

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RE: 1/24/15 Holy Faith under Assault + more toilet - by Eagle1 - 01-25-2015, 07:08 PM

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