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1/25/15 Unholy Struggle / Competition (& more nudity)
That was the biggest introduction I've ever heard. I first want to cordially welcome you here into our abode. I hope you feel properly received.

I also have questions, and the first one has to do with your anger. On the one hand, you said that you are angry with us, but on the other hand, you said that the miserable human condition right now is not our fault, but rather the fault of your daughter and Lucifer ("they have full control of this planet.")

Therefore, I'm not sure exactly how you could possibly be mad at us since we are fully under their control.

Also, I have a question about this remark: "We saw the future, and I know what is coming....There will be no life left on planet earth." First of all, that sounds very absolute, and it makes me question the utility of such predictions. Namely, I don't understand the purpose of you coming here to Earth, only to watch us all die and to be mad at us, even though none of this is our fault since we are completely controlled.

Being mad at us implies that we are doing something wrong, but if we are indeed completely controlled, we have no free will with which to mess up! So, I guess where I need clarification is the standard conundrum I have with most I have any free will at all, or am I completely controlled? The two notions are not compatible.

One more critical question is about the escalation of pressure in your womb. Is this a rebirth type of pressure or a destruction type of pressure. I interpreted your womb pressure to be associated with some sort of birth, but your original audio message is one of hopeless and all out destruction. Could you please clarify that for me, please?

Lastly, and most importantly, surely you have more details about the life-ending destruction. Please give us more details about what you saw when you looked into the future. To be sure, there are a hundred different threats that could end life here, but you indicated that it was us killing ourselves, which doesn't leave room for asteroids, aliens, or the sun exploding. What exactly are we going to do to ourselves and please, for the love of pete, please state when this will happen.

Once again, we are very happy that you found the dream center, and look forward to discussing some very powerful topics with you! A VERY hearty and warm welcome!


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RE: 1/25/15 Unholy Struggle / Competition (& more nudity) - by Eagle1 - 01-25-2015, 09:09 PM

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