LOL Didja move that blog entry to the front page today, or did the "server godz" do it for me?
I had never heard of the corporation named "Isis!" Will they come up easily when I use a search engine?? I'm gonna have FUN with this.
Okay, the five year old in me....must ask....
Did these mercenaries rape, bloody and abuse the Christian sect I was so touched by from the stories and many photos at the UK Mail online website?
Never mind the fake beheading the mercenary Isis dudes behead folks? ever? Do they do unthinkable things to try mass-manipulation? Cuz 911 really happened but "felt" like a false-flag that very day, and then as days passed I worked myself up into feeling silly I had had the initial hunches, as if it was just too big of a job for those feelings to have been right.
Sorry for the rambled brainstorm but do these Isis do even some of the types of things that I've been convinced that they did/do.
Yes, the mindgames are powerful and huge, but evil in these past few years has no problem in actually doing what they, for decades likely just mindgamed the perception of.
Ah, I had to be reminded that whether or not Isis does beheadings, and I suspect they do, there exist radical Islamic haters that do just that. Dig this article about it from 2005! Even I had to be reminded that I was not speaking of just Isis in my original reference to them concerning a possible "Good Friday Massacre" coming per that one bot run.

I had never heard of the corporation named "Isis!" Will they come up easily when I use a search engine?? I'm gonna have FUN with this.
Okay, the five year old in me....must ask....
Did these mercenaries rape, bloody and abuse the Christian sect I was so touched by from the stories and many photos at the UK Mail online website?
Never mind the fake beheading the mercenary Isis dudes behead folks? ever? Do they do unthinkable things to try mass-manipulation? Cuz 911 really happened but "felt" like a false-flag that very day, and then as days passed I worked myself up into feeling silly I had had the initial hunches, as if it was just too big of a job for those feelings to have been right.
Sorry for the rambled brainstorm but do these Isis do even some of the types of things that I've been convinced that they did/do.
Yes, the mindgames are powerful and huge, but evil in these past few years has no problem in actually doing what they, for decades likely just mindgamed the perception of.
Ah, I had to be reminded that whether or not Isis does beheadings, and I suspect they do, there exist radical Islamic haters that do just that. Dig this article about it from 2005! Even I had to be reminded that I was not speaking of just Isis in my original reference to them concerning a possible "Good Friday Massacre" coming per that one bot run.