01-27-2015, 07:46 PM
Even some Buddhist lamas have wives believe it or not.
The priests as celibate came about around 325A.D with the Nicean Council and good ol' pagan emperor Constantine who rewrote through council members- the old to new testament. Misogynists all, they put women at the bottom of the totem pole due to their fear of female power. Hence, Jesus was written as single and a god and immune from SEX as were the apostles and now all priests. NOT !!! He was a rabbi, and in the Jewish tradition a rabbi had to be married.
Study ancient Hebrew texts and the Essenes. Well that is all history...and research.
It's been controlled for eons. Now the truth is out.
The priests as celibate came about around 325A.D with the Nicean Council and good ol' pagan emperor Constantine who rewrote through council members- the old to new testament. Misogynists all, they put women at the bottom of the totem pole due to their fear of female power. Hence, Jesus was written as single and a god and immune from SEX as were the apostles and now all priests. NOT !!! He was a rabbi, and in the Jewish tradition a rabbi had to be married.
Study ancient Hebrew texts and the Essenes. Well that is all history...and research.
It's been controlled for eons. Now the truth is out.