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Who's Chuck?! 'Oct Wow Serious' & Dallas isn't done! -- 10/02/14
Whoa! great find....there it is, the door-opener to these DC subversives confronting us with "re-education camps" soon as they have their first national emergency.

I was taught that Hitler had a fire started and then blamed the Jews for it, and that this gave the official excuse to round them up and put them in camps/prisons. Well, in this context I make my next comment.
It is that I have noticed in the last year or so, if..........IF not my imagination, more, not less of liberals are publicly stating that Tea Partiers are potential terrorists, and other such labels.

I do mean even some high-level of their party, saying nutty things about Tea Partiers, some of the most middle-class, hard working, plain'ole Americans that I've ever seen pics of, at rallies! I've come to suspect that this has ramped-up in getting ready for someone in power to do a false flag and accuse the Tea Party crowd and exclaim see! we told you they were dangerous, crazy and capable of doing something like this.

There's youtube of some of their camp, in the late sixties or early seventies, talking of "re-education camps." but of course they'll be called something else in public.

(If I was just way, too political, please mods just delete my post because I will never ignore that the subject here is the dreams and projects, okay okay, I do know the dreams are of reality, man that's the beauty of y'all's success here.)

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RE: Who's Chuck?! 'Oct Wow Serious' & Dallas isn't done! -- 10/02/14 - by Nanny - 10-05-2014, 08:37 PM

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