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2/8/15 Combo Effect and Big Germany
"Combo effect card quote" immediately! brought the illegal immigrant issue to mind. How exactly will this apply, if a true hunch? Green cards to be given to millions, and more? "combo effect" well, heck yeah.

"Eagle 2015 thanks dream branch," yes, the childlike part of me claims this for our Eagle1 because this NDC can indeed be called a "dream branch" as part of the whole Science of Dreaming in its infancy, here. Wink (Yes, I'll still watch for headlines for this because of the Eagle signifying our country "as founded.")

"calmly Germany seals" the deal with "strings" attached. Is this a deal to save their nation from bank run hysteria? and/or leaving the European union?

That's all I got at a glance so time to read y'all, perchance to get it or learn more.

LOL at your closing! Yes, I can make sense out of jibberish, and many abstract things. (Way back in high school Sr. yr. we were given 3 tests for "type of thinker" of which the whole human race is 1 of 4 types. I graded 98, 99 and 98 percentile Abstract in the three, respectively.)
There really ARE pictures of animals and human heads in the weather maps of the clouds, and in the pictures of the "astronomy picture of the day." *(there, they are mostly in the Nebula pictures and no, of course not every time, here....

(02-08-2015, 10:00 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: This run feels balanced, nothing out of the ordinary. The archetype indicators don’t reveal anything, as we are split between positive and negative. The top words confuse me: Combo Effect is at red alert levels. It seems significant, but can’t quite put a finger on it, so I googled it. There still wasn’t much there, but then I noticed a recent news article about how combining a certain heart drug with antibiotics can be fatal. That makes sense….a combination of remedies produces unwanted effects.  But what is the context in the linguistics? What combo is it referring to? Read lower….”Card quote [Eagle 2015 thanks]”  Hmmm, it’s a riddle that I can’t quite figure out. A holiday greeting card? Neah, maybe all this is just dream jibberish!

But what is not jibberish is the fact that dreamers are seeing Germany, and it’s Big Germany. That’s yet another riddle that has me perplexed. It almost sounds like Germany has matter-of-factly landed a big manufacturing deal within the country.

Maybe I call this run jibberish, unless someone can make some sense out of it for us!

UP Words:     combo effect card quote eagle 2015 thanks sat dream branch days advance refer view electronic tasted spa certainly calmly germany big string seals factory gesture nicely medium disappear pause chuckle last thumb sensed

LOL and I do not laugh aloud easily.....parttime stoic so I've been told! Y'all don't know me nor do I know y'all....well. Therefore, I run a chance some will no-way believe this, yet it is true.

I posted the link to NASA's "pic of the day" which I used to look at daily a few years ago. I had not read the list or looked today, and it came to mind because of the abstract subject, yada yada.

I just now decided to click a few pics to see what I could see there, and the top picture not only happens to be a Nebula, not a shock because they post them every so many pics, but it's really obvious what the pic appears to be, and I had

***No clue*** it was there, and busted a gut laughing for a moment when I saw. Can't make this stuff up, what a coincidence. I have never seen one that looked like that top one on the list today.
I'd swear to this on my precious mama's grave, that I hadn't read anything in that website list.

Messages In This Thread
2/8/15 Combo Effect and Big Germany - by Eagle1 - 02-08-2015, 10:00 AM
RE: 2/8/15 Combo Effect and Big Germany - by Nanny - 02-08-2015, 07:05 PM

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