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2/10/15 Oddities galore + Wound Nova Lady
imagining priest pause urgent seals thumb laughter

Looking at the context of the words surrounding 'seals', I would be more inclined to say that 'seals' may mean something like a wax seal kinda thing.

lady nova reload terminal horizon spa promised

I've been watching nova for a while now and trying to figure out it's implication and I can't think of anything other than a sky event. I was thinking it may have something to do with Google NOVA and Google setting out to create it's own cell phone outfit and causing gigantic apprehension in the industry, but........
We were watching for sky flashes at one time.....

And because 'ash' is indicated in, I'm parking this here for possible future reference:

It is still unverifiable if the ash is volcanic in any way. Other conceivable clarifications include dust grabbed by high winds the prior night, and remaining ash from previous years’ wildfires rapidly in Oregon and a part of Idaho. Just a chemical examination will uncover precisely what the puzzle substance is, and where it came from.

The process of depositing ash into the atmosphere is relatively easy, with some studies showing that balloons and a few billion dollars a year could get it done. That's definitely cheaper than reducing carbon emissions, which has tremendous economic repercussions for big nations.

I've noted a few dreams lately, as well, that may relate:

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RE: 2/10/15 Oddities galore + Wound Nova Lady - by Sherriann - 02-10-2015, 06:06 PM

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