02-17-2015, 05:08 PM
I know everyone likes a victim story but the reason Greece is being picked on in the eurozone, as opposed to any other country is that one, its debt is huge and its ability to pay it back is nil, BUT all the EU countries went through the FAKE depression, ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy being the ones whose citizens were hosed more than most. The reason that Greece is being leaned on now is that they joined in 1973 like the others listed above and since then only something like 10% of their population every paid a dime of tax. Its a national endemic problem. No one is even registered for tax….this isn't a tear jerker as it may seem. The tear jeckers are the other countries listed above who citizens are being striped of every social advantage that comes with paying tax, whilst paying more and more tax. None of it is right, but some of the backlash is understandable.