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Enormous Explosion Causes Worldwide Markets to Fall
Ah yes. I saw this headline, and so now that we've connected it to the dream, perhaps we have a time/event marker. That is, blast happens and now the market will collapse. In the dream, the events were correlated, but in reality they need not be correlated necessarily.

Early this morning, Marketwatch had a headline that basically stated the market was overinflated and it will come down shortly WHEN THE FED INCREASES RATES. But now, just hours later, the hubbub is, "Meeting minutes show Fed is in no rush to raise rates." 

Well, surprise surprise. Remember, the Fed WILL NOT RAISE RATES. They've been saying this for years now. It'll never happen. Back to the market collapse though....this dream is relevant, but I'd like to ascertain a trimeframe. The dream seems to point towards these events happening at the same time. So, a down market starts this week? Perhaps.

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RE: Enormous Explosion Causes Worldwide Markets to Fall - by Eagle1 - 02-18-2015, 02:23 PM

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