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2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California
(02-26-2015, 08:51 AM)Sherriann Wrote: Ouch!! I'd be happier if 'nova' was still hanging around.  Cool

Has a relationship been determined for red alerts re: % spike and length of time...or at least an inkling?

I agree Sherriann.
quasar versus nova anyone?

However, today's red alert set off bells for me.
What usually hangs in a church tower? Bell tower? two words from this bot run.

Something has been 'niggling' me about Russia lately- disclosing or threatening to disclose truth about "inside jobs" in U.S.
Now that would be an embarrassment would it not? What lengths would the alphabet agencies go to wag the dog with its tail?
Tomorrow is the 27th, a number in the dream. We shall see. March calendar days are the same as February if one takes a look. All days the same except after the 28th of the month. hmmmmm
I looked up P Ano dream:

Dream shift- "I saw a Spanish style church on a hill. California popped in. I was given directions (instructions?) to be on 9th as the most direct path. The second choice was 27th as an alternative. There was only one (1) chance to take either the 9th or 27th to get to the destination, which felt like a time frame rather than location. The end point was California. I heard the following, "If you hit California, you've gone too far" and saw the words as though in a HEADLINE or billboard - "HIT CALIFORNIA, GONE TOO FAR". I was not sure what 'hit' signified however, it felt important. Then I was shown a piece of paper. It was coming out of the top of a printer. It was a STATEMENT rather than an invoice and the format looked like an ACCOUNTING format with a title- STATEMENT with lines and columns"

Well nothing has happened yet so what is the timing on this one?
2 days or 4 weeks?

Supposedly there is crystal skull energy anchored in the St Ynez mtns of California but one would have to troll the new age blog sites for confirmation.
I think I'll continue on with P2 anchoring instead, to alchemize the negative in the news and bot runs....

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RE: 2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California - by *AD - 02-26-2015, 11:12 AM

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