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2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California
Just joined forum, have been reading since its inception, thought it was time to join.....

was reading through a blog....which mentioned the BELL...thought it might tie in with the recent dreams.

It does contain disinfo., but there are nuggets of truth woven in.


February 25, 2015

Russia Issues Grave Warning: “Prepare To Defend Earth, Fallen Angels Have Returned”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An extraordinary report prepared by the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces (MSC) on the just completed trials of the Almaz-Antey high energy laser directed energy weapon system project by the 27th Central Research Institute (27-CRI) states that their “immediate dispersement” to Federation allies India, China and Brazil is needed to defend our planet against “inter-dimensional entities” who could soon attempt to recapture Earth.

Important to note about this report are that the references to “inter-dimensional entities” contained in it date back to the Great Patriotic War (World War II) when then Soviet intelligence services confirmed the German Nazi regimes existing “communication link” with what can only be described as “fallen angels/demons”, but which our planets oldest written records refer to as the “gods”.

These “fallen angels/demons”, this report explain, were once vanquished from our Earth about 5-6,000 years ago in what was then referred to by the ancients as “the great overturning” that nearly instantly froze millions of wooly mammoths of Siberia, destroyed the vast city-state known as Atlantis, and is recorded in the stories, religions and legends of all of our planets peoples as “the great flood”.


This paart caught my eye

Causing World War II to be so destructive, this report continues, was the German Nazis successful establishment of an inter-dimensional transport/communication device called Die Glocke (The Bell) allowing for the first time since 1561 a Vimana air/space craft to appear on Earth in 1937.


also wanted to add the recent ufo? crash in canada

MANITOBA: Major! UFO Crash Lands in Canada and Is Being Covered Up by Government! Is it Alien or Is it Military? You Decide…

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RE: 2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California - by 3dubs - 02-27-2015, 07:34 AM

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