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2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California
3dub, thank you for this contribution. As I scanned your information, I'm left with an open jaw because of the relevance to my earlier dream. I included a copy of your post over in that thread, which is a dream overlap section where we document potential headlines based on the overlaps we find:

You know what, the information in your post sort of reminds me of a podcast I listened to a while back from Stephen Greer. He basically said that the military is experimenting with these other dimensions, and that the lower dimensions house most of the 'fallen angel' type entities. I'm not sure if I remember the nuts and bolts well enough, but they have apparently created mind-portals where the entities can come into this dimension freely. If true, that is certainly an overlap with your post.

Welcome and thanks for the contribution!

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RE: 2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California - by Eagle1 - 02-27-2015, 08:10 AM

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