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3/6/15 Turtles, Drunken Paradise, and Water
March 6, 2015 - march sticker confusion rape stopping coma

If a mob breaks into a jail, I would suggest they marched into jail creating a sticker of confusion when they beat the rape suspect into a [rape stopping coma].

sticker -
1. One that sticks, as an adhesive label or patch.
2. A tenacious, diligent, or persistent person.
3. A thorn, prickle, or barb.
4. Something puzzling or bewildering, as a riddle.

Indian mob breaks into jail, beats rape suspect to death
CNN-Mar 6, 2015
New Delhi (CNN) In an unusual public raid in India, thousands stormed a jail and dragged out a rape suspect before beating him to death on ...

This one happened the day before....

penguin violence experiment bedtime

March 5, 2015 - Here we have another drug related court case put to rest (a.k.a: bedtime). The charged sent messages to a fellow by the name of Penguin. The charged displayed ‘violence’ by throwing his Blackberry to the ground. When retrieved, there was some ‘experiment[ing] going on by police to break the encryption and decipher the code names and street language used in the drug deals.

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RE: 3/6/15 Turtles, Drunken Paradise, and Water - by Sherriann - 03-08-2015, 12:34 AM

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