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Who's Chuck?! 'Oct Wow Serious' & Dallas isn't done! -- 10/02/14
(10-05-2014, 12:29 PM)esholars Wrote: Welcome to the FEMA Camp : Supreme Court Justice Predicts Return of Internment Camps

Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another a wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.

Lets identify the real problem and why Scalia would say something like this, because clearly it isn't patriotic or american in my view, and I don't think that he is unpatriotic, and I don't think he is blind to the conflict in the courts rulings or what the outcome can be, so maybe he's trying to warn us and tell what we all should already have figured out. Maybe he is under duress, and is doing the only thing he can do in the only way he can do it.

I take this this statement by Justice Scalia as a bald face admission that the self proclaimed slave owners are willing to start a civil war in the belief that their paid stooges can and will triumph over the will of the people, and that's what he is really saying.

The highest court in the land says the Bill of Rights don't apply to corporations, and yet again corporations are people too. So there is no redress through the legal system. All the court has done is to make the rule of law dependent upon the muzzle of gun barrel, and now you know why the are so hell bent on disarming the slaves. This isn't logical for the court to be doing that kind of thing. These people can see this is the de facto ruling. Therefore something, or someone, is basically making these people make these decisions. That's just my view of course.

So this is about Slavery once more, and this time it's the Corporate Associations control over our laws though their pack money. This is a nothing more than Bribes for Votes. We don't have to fight another civil war, but they would certainly prefer we do. All we have to do is replace the people in Washington and expunge the laws back to whatever time we feel like. Then hand out marching orders to the state security to start digging where they weren't previously allowed to dig, and then see what develops.

There is no government of the people, it's all corporate government and that is why they want to know everything about you. No person alive doesn't have a secret that cannot be turned. It's all pretty simple to control a political system with corporate sponsored terrorism, assassins taken from prison systems where no one can even access them, and finding some perversion which can be exploited.

We all need to wake up, we are just dealing with organized thugs calling themselves business leaders and who are no different than any other criminal organization that hijacked any other kind of union. The only difference is that this organization consists of all the businesses and all their combined donations, and they have figured out a new twist on how to obtain the combined wealth of all our employers money, and then to use that money to corrupt our own political system and to enslave everyone while also prohibiting any competition. So what Scalia says is basically a warning about what they intend for anyone who won't willingly sign up as a slave. We've seen  it all before, just in a different form.

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RE: Who's Chuck?! 'Oct Wow Serious' & Dallas isn't done! -- 10/02/14 - by Balsa - 10-07-2014, 02:09 AM

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