My hunch as to their reasons for CERN colliders is that Higgs Boson is no-way the biggest reason, nor the only, etc.
They know secrets that governments know and we peons aren't allowed. Secrets like, maybe whatever celestial body is "Wormwood" with the modern-day name, they're all tracking it, and hence the underground bunkers for those inside their elite clubs.
Could science have strong clues as to when a major Carrington type is headed our way from the sun?
Could CERN be trying to find an escape for the elite? yeah, an "out of this world" portal that they can all rush through before the SHTF on this planet, in this realm?
Or, could CERN be onto something that may help them break-apart wormwood?
Send energy towards a Carrington flare that prevents it from hitting earth?
Are they onto physics that they think may help them build some type of "shield" around this planet?
Sorry, editing in one that I forgot. *Destruction" that dance, and warnings from such as S. Hawkings. What type of destruction of the earth and us peons could they be dancing about, and yet they survive it potentially?!
Your hunches?
They know secrets that governments know and we peons aren't allowed. Secrets like, maybe whatever celestial body is "Wormwood" with the modern-day name, they're all tracking it, and hence the underground bunkers for those inside their elite clubs.
Could science have strong clues as to when a major Carrington type is headed our way from the sun?
Could CERN be trying to find an escape for the elite? yeah, an "out of this world" portal that they can all rush through before the SHTF on this planet, in this realm?
Or, could CERN be onto something that may help them break-apart wormwood?
Send energy towards a Carrington flare that prevents it from hitting earth?
Are they onto physics that they think may help them build some type of "shield" around this planet?
Sorry, editing in one that I forgot. *Destruction" that dance, and warnings from such as S. Hawkings. What type of destruction of the earth and us peons could they be dancing about, and yet they survive it potentially?!
Your hunches?