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CameTrue 3/22/15 RED ALERT: National Rally & the War Failed!
Vatican To Clear Knights Templar After 700 Years

Posted On March 13, 2015
Posted under: World News
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(Vatican City) — The Vatican is moving to at least partly rehabilitate the Knights Templar, 700 years after the Christian military order was tried for heresy. The Vatican is preparing to release a reproduction of the minutes of the 14th Century trial of the Templars. Members of the order were burned at the stake as heretics. Some historians say the Templars were victims of a king who didn’t want to pay his debts. The Templars financed a number of wars for French King Philip the Fourth. In addition to owing them a lot of money, Philip was their most active accuser. The documents include Pope Clement the Fifth’s declaration clearing the Templars of heresy. The order was founded in the early 12th Century and disbanded by Pope Clement after their trial.

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RE: 3/22/15 RED ALERT: National Rally & the War Failed! - by esholars - 03-23-2015, 12:17 PM

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