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What I have learned since joining the NDC
thank you!! about reiterating that CERN indeed created the WWW. I thought I had read that but flew past it one busy day. Then, a few nights ago while up very late and finding bot runs that do point to CERN, I thought I was imagining that CERN created the internet. This matters....just in case....
a particular bot run that has "Apache ceremony" near the top is pointing to CERN. Way back in the birth of the internet CERN had it on a server called "Apache!" Found that in my research.

Now, need to go back to that bot run and see if it maybe is referring to CERN.

Oh, on the main focus of your thread very tired so can add to this another time, and I like your list a lot.

We can get more and more out of a bot run going back to them multiple times! When we're rested and undistracted, no multitasking then it seems as if they are more fruitful instead of it being us.

(03-22-2015, 09:03 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Some of the many things I have learned since joining the NDC, (feel free to add your own).

Think outside the box, always.
When thinking outside the box doesn't work, it is probably starring right in front of you, word for word. (duh)
Get to know your metaphors, they are often the key to unlocking a puzzle.
There is always that word, you know, the one in the middle of the dreambot run. The one that makes absolutely no sense at all EVER.
Occasionally it does make sense, weeks later.  
There are many ways to describe a twin.  But does twin mean mirror, Gemini or clone?
For that matter, does Gemini mean spacecraft or space astrology? Or just, you know, twin?
Science, OMG!!!  I have been studying about so much could be my home page.
While working on the dreambot runs I have had my "OMG!!!" moments.  And then, 5 minutes later, I have a bigger "OMG!!!"  moment, and I don't know how to post about that because really, "OMG!!!!!!!!!!" is just going to look ridiculous.
Sssshh!  Apparently there is this new NDC website coming... but it has some holes and issues.
Cern created the world wide web so maybe they are creating the new website.  That would explain everything.
Seriously, would anybody here have guessed Cern created the World Wide Web?? ( Still not sure how to rank THAT omg moment)
Sometimes it is like an arcade pinball machine game here with all these ideas and thoughts bouncing off each other.
Smile I have never really been much of a "dreamer"  just on occasion.  I most say, I have a DEEP appreciation for all of you here.  You have taught me a great deal already.

Thank you!

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RE: What I have learned since joining the NDC - by Nanny - 03-23-2015, 03:59 PM

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