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2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California
Thanks Eagle1 for your acknowledgement!

I wasn't fishing for a compliment. I simply had trouble posting the links below showing all the death in the waters off the coast of CALIFORNIA. Unknowingly I reposted my old post because I am technically challenged sometimes. I feel like the bell tolling out there is a funeral bell for ocean life like SEALionS, crabs, birds, plankton, jellyfish, pyrosomes and more.
This all breaks my heart.

Jan 22, 2015: [T]housands of candy-red crabs rarely seen in coastal Southern California have washed ashore in Newport Beach… this marks the first time in years that [Southern California Marine Institute director Daniel Pondella] has heard of them being seen in Southern California. “This is the first warm year we’ve had in quite awhile,” he said. “It could just be a sign of the warm water we’re currently experiencing.”… “I’ve never seen these things before,” [Newport Beach resident Darren Zinter] said. “It’s incredible.”

The ocean oddities arrived all summer. The glow-in-the-dark organisms called pyrosomes washed ashore… jellyfish-like creatures [were] a bit earlier… “These are strange times,” said Chris Lowe, a professor and head of the Shark Lab at Cal State Long Beach… “It’s tricky,” Lowe said. “The animals are acting as if we’re going to have an El Niño, but the ocean’s conditions aren’t conclusive.”

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RE: 2/26/15 Red Alert: The Bell tolls for California - by MisfitObserver - 03-25-2015, 02:56 PM

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