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4/6/15 A Subway Conflict and a Shift during LEO
Twice, great questions! I can answer 1 of them affirmatively.

The 10% rule was associated with some of our lessons learned from Project August last year. It has been a trend all along since I started these various dream projects. It basically states that when a prediction is made based on any various combinations of dream data (i.e., actual dream content, linguistics phrases, or a combination of the two), that the actual event that manifests later will be accurate compared to the prediction in terms of who, what, when, etc. HOWEVER, the magnitude of the event as compared to the prediction will be roughly 10% in severity. For example, one of the predictions in a dream was that Hawaii would see a 500' huge wave. When the event came true, the "Huge Waves" (an actual phrase from the news article) was exactly 50 feet, which is exactly 10% of what was predicted. Look at just about everything else from Dallas ebola (only one death) to the Entertainment fiasco (no deaths but all the connecting phrases matched perfectly).

Dream Predictions Axiom: If a dream prediction manifests in our reality, there is a huge chance that the event will accurately parallel the prediction, but the severity will be roughly 10% of what was predicted (or what was seen in the dream).

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RE: 4/6/15 A Subway Conflict and a Shift during LEO - by Eagle1 - 04-06-2015, 02:15 PM

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