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4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time!
About "Jesus farting," could "fart" be about oil or gas in this run like way-back in other one? but then...what the heck about Him and gas or oil? Is there going to be a goofy headline about folks supposedly seeing a picture of Him in an oil-slick or something?! LOL well they do happen occasionally. (in the bark on a tree, on a piece of toast, yada yada)

About the "sun," last year I found reports that some scientists, I *think it was NASA scientists were saying that 2014 and 2015 might be a "double-year maximum" of the standard 11 yr. solar cycle. I had never heard of this but the report named a couple of other double-year maximums. Maybe Dames was a year off in his prediction of one or more very serious solar flares per this maximum?

Oh, dig this, Dames has another "Killshot" seminar just six and seven days from now on the 18th. & 19th. Sold out of course.

"Plane" and "flight" are both in this run, and "sally" is back. That name was put on the List months ago.

"April paranoid drowning" could this be tied to tax season and/or folks that are "underwater" drowning in debt?

Group 4....was that "George" and "Mason" in a run just days ago?

By psychic-vampire I do mean folks that are in our presence, not doing it remotely. They, too feed off of unwilling victims. They are the drama queens, the manipulators, "sh!t-stirrers, etc. They actually do drain energy from folks and are very tiring to have to deal with.

Yes, there are psychic vampires, but there are also energetic vampires who feed off willing or unwilling donors. There are those who add in the blood aspect but they still feed on energy. There's a whole vampire culture which is quite active but tends to operate below the radar for the most part.

Look at Group 4 next to the top of the run a couple of days ago.

"corruption hint inline mason george class attraction flight creepy"

"message horrible view flight little mason" - today's

Messages In This Thread
4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time! - by Eagle1 - 04-12-2015, 11:18 AM
RE: 4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time! - by Nanny - 04-13-2015, 12:50 AM
RE: 4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time! - by Nanny - 04-12-2015, 10:37 PM
RE: 4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time! - by Nanny - 04-13-2015, 01:13 AM
RE: 4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time! - by Nanny - 04-13-2015, 10:51 PM
RE: 4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time! - by Eagle1 - 04-14-2015, 01:42 PM
RE: 4/12/15 Red Alert: RIFT in Time! - by Nanny - 04-14-2015, 01:51 PM

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