04-14-2015, 02:57 PM
The religious dreambot words for the from (4-12 -4-14)
4-12 Rift Jesus Fish Sun
4-13 Christian Giant Son Fish
4-14 angel spiritual Christian spirit giant Jesus rift temple
Here is a link to my thought on 4-12 which was Easter for the Orthodox Church
From 4-13 - 4-14 we have had a bunch of "people" words
4-14 male wife daughter christian baby toddler
4-13 blood line woman children son women
I can't help but think the religious words and people words are connected. In particular with what has been happening in the Middle East ( and Africa). I think while many horrors are happening to Christians in the Middle East and Kenya/ Nigeria, I think that ALL people, humanity in general is at a complete breaking point. Every horror that can be imagined is happening to people in these areas on a continuous basis.
Take the Dreambot run words for today.
Up Words: smart whenever angel unexpected moon dying mon liked chamber toddler winter brainwashed tree spinning flying mood cool roads failing paranoid planet good shown action nap simply occur too roller smiling two quickly pen
DOWN Words: know earth male dawn night hug fun wife daughter christian baby hour awesome code dreams years dream virtual stomach hide spirit giant edit giving April got jungle cream fart corruption Jesus fri rift temple thanks
When I look at everything together, I see the "people" and the "dark words" like paranoid planet, dying, Brainwashed tree, spinning, failing, hide, corruption, rift. On the other hand, I see the "light words" giving hope to humanity. Angel unexpected, good shown, smiling, fun, dream(s),thanks, giant spirit, Jesus, Christian.
To sum up, I am seeing this thread as saying, as dark as things are for humanity, there is light and good present, perhaps to reveal itself in giant ways (I hope) sometime in the near future. I do understand that we have many people with different beliefs at the NDC and I am not trying to endorse a specific religious point of view. I just see the dream words as presenting hope and light in a very dark and tragic time.
4-12 Rift Jesus Fish Sun
4-13 Christian Giant Son Fish
4-14 angel spiritual Christian spirit giant Jesus rift temple
Here is a link to my thought on 4-12 which was Easter for the Orthodox Church
From 4-13 - 4-14 we have had a bunch of "people" words
4-14 male wife daughter christian baby toddler
4-13 blood line woman children son women
I can't help but think the religious words and people words are connected. In particular with what has been happening in the Middle East ( and Africa). I think while many horrors are happening to Christians in the Middle East and Kenya/ Nigeria, I think that ALL people, humanity in general is at a complete breaking point. Every horror that can be imagined is happening to people in these areas on a continuous basis.
Take the Dreambot run words for today.
Up Words: smart whenever angel unexpected moon dying mon liked chamber toddler winter brainwashed tree spinning flying mood cool roads failing paranoid planet good shown action nap simply occur too roller smiling two quickly pen
DOWN Words: know earth male dawn night hug fun wife daughter christian baby hour awesome code dreams years dream virtual stomach hide spirit giant edit giving April got jungle cream fart corruption Jesus fri rift temple thanks
When I look at everything together, I see the "people" and the "dark words" like paranoid planet, dying, Brainwashed tree, spinning, failing, hide, corruption, rift. On the other hand, I see the "light words" giving hope to humanity. Angel unexpected, good shown, smiling, fun, dream(s),thanks, giant spirit, Jesus, Christian.
To sum up, I am seeing this thread as saying, as dark as things are for humanity, there is light and good present, perhaps to reveal itself in giant ways (I hope) sometime in the near future. I do understand that we have many people with different beliefs at the NDC and I am not trying to endorse a specific religious point of view. I just see the dream words as presenting hope and light in a very dark and tragic time.