This happened to me one time today, lasting for maybe five minutes. It was several hours ago. Sorry I didn't pay attention to the time.
It just happened again, but didn't last but a couple of minutes. I was trying to post on the Jade Helm thread and it made me stare at blank screen, then backspace and try the "post" button again, three times. Okay, maybe it was more than 2 minutes.
(04-15-2015, 07:06 PM)DLP Wrote: I've been having difficulty getting into the site today. It takes about a minute to load and then all I get is a blank page. It takes several tries before I get an actual page. Logging in, I got a blank page and wasn't sure I was logged in(I was).
Is anyone else having a problem or am I just "special"?
It just happened again, but didn't last but a couple of minutes. I was trying to post on the Jade Helm thread and it made me stare at blank screen, then backspace and try the "post" button again, three times. Okay, maybe it was more than 2 minutes.