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Don't give up, whatever the issue, *HOLD ON* better age just ahead~
Many years ago, I woke up from a coma, hooked up to every machine imaginable, not knowing where or when I was or what happened to me, and as I laid there feeling sorry for myself and counting the dots in the acoustic ceiling tiles, a line from a song came to me: I may be barely breathing but I'm not dead.

Bring on the Rain

This song was my anthem throughout my recovery and every time it gets rough and the temptation to just quit and lie down begins to seem pretty damned today.

Today has not been a good day for me. I'm struggling today, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and holding on is about all I've been able to do. It's been a long, long time since I've felt like this and I'm not sure why it's happened.

But tomorrow's another day and I'm thirsty anyway, so bring on the rain.

I'll be okay. And we can use the rain here in TX.


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RE: Don't give up, whatever the issue, *HOLD ON* better age just ahead~ - by ThePaladin - 04-18-2015, 02:25 AM

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