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Don't give up, whatever the issue, *HOLD ON* better age just ahead~
Oh girl that song is awesome! I had forgotten about the singer and not sure I remembered the song but it is so fitting for today! More about that later.

You've paid your dues and been through hell, sounds like tested very much. If you ever want to share more about when you were in and came out of that coma, please know you'll have a captive, sincere "audience" but it's so personal and heavy of an experience that my saying this is *not* a pressure for you to do so.
I'm nuttin special but am here and in PM too, the welcome mat is out.

Today's been a bear for you, NADW and a very close friend that called and had been just emotionally abused, publicly humiliated and mostly tested---so many buttons pushed in trying to make her lower herself to very cruel folks' level.

As I hope to get to sleep soon I'll pray for you, for y'all.

Rain! Dig this...yes, our beloved Texas needs it so much, many areas do. East Texas has full reservoirs and looks really green at least in pictures, but I ramble, sorry.
We just finished putting new flooring in, and our roof is 3yrs. and 3mos. old....guess what? Hubby had water drip on him while in his favorite recliner a couple of hours ago, yet it is such light rain that we didn't know it was raining. LOL nobody gets a rose garden and even roses have thorns. But...

I do not mean to compare this with what you're dealing with today, only because of the song being about...rain.

Seriously, God bless and be with you, and may you *get to sleep and then awaken much better.
If there were a way to send cyber-hugs I sure would right now, and in fact we'd get a group hug going for NDC sweet souls. (NADW, sending it your way, too.)


(04-18-2015, 02:25 AM)DLP Wrote: Many years ago, I woke up from a coma, hooked up to every machine imaginable, not knowing where or when I was or what happened to me, and as I laid there feeling sorry for myself and counting the dots in the acoustic ceiling tiles, a line from a song came to me: I may be barely breathing but I'm not dead.

Bring on the Rain

This song was my anthem throughout my recovery and every time it gets rough and the temptation to just quit and lie down begins to seem pretty damned today.

Today has not been a good day for me. I'm struggling today, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and holding on is about all I've been able to do. It's been a long, long time since I've felt like this and I'm not sure why it's happened.

But tomorrow's another day and I'm thirsty anyway, so bring on the rain.

I'll be okay. And we can use the rain here in TX.


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RE: Don't give up, whatever the issue, *HOLD ON* better age just ahead~ - by Nanny - 04-18-2015, 03:31 AM

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