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Don't give up, whatever the issue, *HOLD ON* better age just ahead~
LOL I like your joke about not "being from around here."

Yes, you've sure helped me/us get to know you and I thank you very much. I'm most thankful to hear that this doesn't bother you one bit. No, still most thankful you are alive and doing so well, but you know what I mean, me and my questions. Glad they were okay.

I hope this new week will be better than the last one, for you.
God bless and hugs~

(04-20-2015, 03:34 AM)DLP Wrote: Nope, no afterlife-type experience. One time I asked my teacher why I got the experience I did and was told we each get what we need and what we can comprehend. For those who get the standard after life experiences, that's what they need and can comprehend. For me, I needed to see exactly what I saw because as time has gone on, I've come to understand what it meant and how it applies to me.

It took me a long time to even believe what happened to me actually happened. I mean, it was so different from all the NDEs I had read about. I used to joke about what happened, saying I knew what death was, it was being on the mothership. Then one day, a friend's husband who had been critically injured in a construction accident but miraculously survived replied to that quip with a surprised, "You were there, too?" That's when I realized what happened to me wasn't the effect of all the drugs in my system. Not long ago, I read the first installment of Dolores Cannon's "Convoluted Universe" and she references the various stories she's heard about the clinic during hypnosis sessions with her clients. I sat there, nodding my head in recognition. While various little details are different, the overall stories are the same as mine. Given those stories all have to do with other beings, it confirmed other information about my origins I'd discovered during various journeys and meditations.

A friend who spent several years in an ashram once told me there is no good or bad karma, that karma just IS. Good karma, bad. Bad karma, good. Karma just IS. It's all a matter of perception and we choose how we perceive anything. I didn't understand what she meant until I started thinking about my own journey. While I concede it wasn't fun and I don't plan to ever go through such a thing again, it was the best thing that happened to me. I needed to have that happen to shake me out of my comfort zone, to be the wakeup call I couldn't ignore.  I had to experience what I did to be able to step out on the path I've been called to follow. I can even take that back a bit further and see how the abusive childhood I survived taught me how to fight through to the other side when I was sick. The things I've experienced were just that: Things I experienced. I choose how I perceive them and how I allow them to affect me. I choose to see them as necessary to my path in this lifetime, not that I'm a victim or a survivor because I had things happen to me. Karma just IS.

Gotta say, when one lets go of all that baggage, it sure frees up time to be and do something else.  Wink

It doesn't bother me to talk about any of this and it helps explain why I am who I am today and where I'm going on this path. It also lets people in on my little joke that when I say I'm not from around here, I'm really not from around here.

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RE: Don't give up, whatever the issue, *HOLD ON* better age just ahead~ - by Nanny - 04-20-2015, 04:20 AM

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