04-28-2015, 05:11 PM
A Texas Ranger speaks out, anonymously of course about Walmart, Jade Helm and Isis.
What got me even more than the Ranger is that there's a copy of an AARP commercial that they say recently ran. I missed it, so far anyway. FREAKY and Psyops for sure. Turn the audio way up, it's such a quiet commercial you can, and barely hear that in this sweet home on the radio or TV is announcement of "martial law, then "president" and "remain calm" are the words I could recognize barely.
What got me even more than the Ranger is that there's a copy of an AARP commercial that they say recently ran. I missed it, so far anyway. FREAKY and Psyops for sure. Turn the audio way up, it's such a quiet commercial you can, and barely hear that in this sweet home on the radio or TV is announcement of "martial law, then "president" and "remain calm" are the words I could recognize barely.