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CameTrue 5/2/15 Desert Class and INTENSE Earthquake!
okay- back to the BOT run-
I see this: INTENSE and (life-)ENDING.
and it triggered something I read in a (1973) existential dream book (by my bed) by Ann Rae Colton, "Watch Your Dreams" .

Talk about shuffling and intertwining realities- and CERN isn't even up and running yet. It may even tie in with NADWs series of troubling dreams.

A particular symbol that's been haunting me lately- GLASS BREAKING/SHATTERING means an ENDING.

As I have limited cyber capacity, does anyone have software that can troll the recent bot runs for glass, shattering, break...?

In the physical 3D world I broke 4 glasses 2 coffee cups in less than a 2 week period just recently. Unnerving.
No I don't have dropsy. My grandson broke one too in this time period and almost dropped another.
It feels like a portend.
Almost like 5D shifts don't accommodate 3D objects, so when putting a glass or cup away in a cabinet- the 3D reality shifts and collides with 5D- hence- CRASH.

it took me over 7 minutes to have the new chat room download. ARGH !
It took me back to my email account to register the new password. Taking another several minutes to get the
email to come in. An all morning project. I think it will work though.
I am aging as this drops in. lol

pp.s been trying to reset password now for almost an hour. No dice. Will keep trying, I've got all day-its my one day off in 3 weeks. Then I'll go sit in the sun and read that alien book about yellow spheres. heheheh

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RE: 5/2/15 Desert Class and INTENSE Earthquake! - by *AD - 05-03-2015, 02:16 PM

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