I'll go try again. Try to register with IE and then go back to my beloved Firefox. (grin) Okay, double click not a bad idea. I may try that in both browsers if the first attempt fails. Thanks~
LOL sit under the Great Yellow Sphere while reading about them!
I can try looking for "breaking glass" such things, but no software or secret-fast way to go it, not yet anyway. I use the "find in page" feature on my computer and then have to click on every bot run thread, but then it's very quick, and I can on a good day go through a couple of pages of botruns pretty quickly, but monotonous? oh yeah. Oh, it's sometimes really rewarding, though.
(05-03-2015, 07:09 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: I'm wondering, Nanny....you might have to click forgot password twice? Doesn't make sense but it might be your browser creating that situation
LOL sit under the Great Yellow Sphere while reading about them!
I can try looking for "breaking glass" such things, but no software or secret-fast way to go it, not yet anyway. I use the "find in page" feature on my computer and then have to click on every bot run thread, but then it's very quick, and I can on a good day go through a couple of pages of botruns pretty quickly, but monotonous? oh yeah. Oh, it's sometimes really rewarding, though.
(05-03-2015, 02:16 PM)awakeneddreamer Wrote: okay- back to the BOT run-
I see this: INTENSE and (life-)ENDING.
and it triggered something I read in a (1973) existential dream book (by my bed) by Ann Rae Colton, "Watch Your Dreams" .
Talk about shuffling and intertwining realities- and CERN isn't even up and running yet. It may even tie in with NADWs series of  troubling dreams.
A particular symbol that's been haunting me lately- GLASS BREAKING/SHATTERING means an ENDING.
As I have limited cyber capacity, does anyone have software that can troll the recent bot runs for glass, shattering, break...?
In the physical 3D world I broke 4 glasses 2 coffee cups in less than a 2 week period just recently. Unnerving.
No I don't have dropsy. My grandson broke one too in this time period and almost dropped another.
It feels like a portend.
Almost like 5D shifts don't accommodate 3D objects, so when putting a glass or cup away in a cabinet- the 3D reality shifts and collides with 5D- hence- CRASH.
it took me over 7 minutes to have the new chat room download. ARGH !
It took me back to my email account to register the new password. Taking another several minutes to get the
email to come in. An all morning project. I think it will work though.
I am aging as this drops in. lol
pp.s been trying to reset password now for almost an hour. No dice. Will keep trying, I've got all day-its my one day off in 3 weeks. Then I'll go sit in the sun and read that alien book about yellow spheres. heheheh