Sincere, huge thanks for your answer. Visions are a big deal, IMO. I don't have that gift, only intuition but I should not say "only." For me, the very first thing that pops into my mind has most-often been intuition. sometimes I don't like the message and have done something my way with hindsight of how dumb the pride/ego is.
Wow, so you get visions, thank you. Does make sense that "necklace" in dreamland can stand for the things you saw. One of the hardest things about this NDC experiment is knowing when something's a metaphor or when it's literal.
Wow, so you get visions, thank you. Does make sense that "necklace" in dreamland can stand for the things you saw. One of the hardest things about this NDC experiment is knowing when something's a metaphor or when it's literal.
(05-05-2015, 01:43 AM)Shadewolf Wrote: Yes, I often have visions that come to pass, although I don't always understand them until the event is right on top of me! In the past few years, I've been actively working at paying closer attention to my intuition and going with its flow and it hasn't steered me wrong yet. The few times I didn't fully trust myself and didn't heed the intuition, I usually wound up in a mess I likely could've avoided! It's an ability that's been there since I was a kid, my parents would tell me about the first instance they noticed it: I was about 6 and we were sitting outside the Granville island market in Vancouver BC, and I had said to my parents "you know, of you sit here long enough a midget will walk by! " naturally, that wasn't politically correct and mortified my parents, and sure enough not even 3 minutes later the crowd parted and there was the aforementioned extremely short person waking right by us. I don't even remember the instance, but my parents said, that was the definitive date they began to notice my intuition at work. In recent years, it's been really handy at work helping me navigate choppy political waters, and jumping ship before layoffs, although I would play it down there to not freak people out ( I'd have projects and assignments completed before they were even assigned), and it did make it really easy to do phone based tech support. This past year, it's driven me to do everything possible to buy land outside of Edmonton and move asap, so the next 3 weeks see me moving to the bare land and setting up the new homestead asap. Normal for me is to have the intuition unfettered all the time, but that gets tiring with the crush of people in the city, too many flashes too fast cause me headaches, so I can't wait to move out to the new farm where it's about one family per square kilometre or less. That's so much less noise in the countryside.
As for the hunch on the necklaces, it's going to be interesting to see how that manifests, hopefully less scary than the recurring dreams I've had of simultaneous multiple tornadoes since I was a kid!
(05-04-2015, 04:21 PM)Nanny Wrote: Wow.
May I ask you and NOT offend you, and you know this is not a test.....we don't know each other...
Do you have visions that come true? and so this is as huge as it sounds? My hunch is yes.
And, wow.