05-06-2015, 12:22 AM
In Alberta tonight it was a most EXCELLENT election. The ndp STEALING the FIELD from the from the pc party that ruled for 44 years. DRY CONGRATS to the new Premier came in a lame exit speech by the outgoing Premier. The live coverage of the vote count tonight showed a TORNADO of support for the new party, as Albertans witnessed a historic, dynastic, TRANSITION of POWER. The people of the province have hope now I think, after being hit hard with the oil price crash.
(05-05-2015, 09:38 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: UP Words: excellent invades persistent attempted heres mon bizarre fairly weekly study cloud faceless stealing field congrats dry tornado transition power fireflies constantly party shelf covering meditation remove accept lead conversation process ghosts blade graph
DOWN Words: dream portal song yellow test snakes boss shop god john accident rift surprised hour drunk shoes dad cousin reality character save lake jumping detailed plane doll virtual dare schedule class march desert april thanks