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Do you believe animals have souls? I've wondered a lot lately about this~
Just a maybe silly ramble here, but I have the need to get this out.
When I hear a christmas story is it? say "not a soul in sight" oh I forget where I've heard this, I think yes, surely all living, breathing, bleeding creatures have a soul though not all have to answer judgement for right and wrong.

Do you think they have a soul? dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, such intelligence in so many of them!

Two hours ago we had to say goodbye to our one dog, our 13yr. old German Shepherd. The vet came here so that was nicer to say bye with her on her favorite bed and all.

Such intelligence in her eyes, so friendly with the vet and yet when it was time to be placed on her bed...she went the other way from hubby and I. Heck yeah she sensed something or maybe there's more intelligent knowing there than we know, and she really knew and didn't want to go yet. But...her body was very damaged from something like a stroke. It was cruel to have her struggle to walk straight and couldn't even make her water bowl. I know, too many details.

I don't know what happens to our pets in eternity. Like other souls are they aware, or just become a part of the earth and no awareness. I just know in those eyes is an intelligent awareness of some level, however lesser than us it likely is.

So, asking in case anyone will share their beliefs or their knowledge of such a thing.

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Do you believe animals have souls? I've wondered a lot lately about this~ - by Nanny - 05-15-2015, 12:33 AM

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