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Do you believe animals have souls? I've wondered a lot lately about this~
Yes. I know this it is true. It is human arrogance to think any other beings/creatures can't have souls. If we breathe, if our hearts beat, if we live, if we feel, we have a soul. Doesn't matter if we're finned, furred, feathered, four-legged, two-legged, winged, scaled, creepy-crawly, or whatever. We have a soul.

I have Seen animals after they cross. They don't go to nothingness. They continue on. One of our cats who crossed is part of the land and works with the land guardians here. He keeps one of the land guardians company and is sometimes joined by our other cats who have crossed. Sometimes I See them playing amongst the trees in the back, flashes of black, gray, and tiger-stripe amongst the plants and bushes.

Nanny: Animals don't see death the way we do. For them, it is a part of life, a passage to another life. What they do grieve is how it affects their people, those whom they love and whom they came to serve and teach. If your dog seemed to withdraw as her time drew near, it may have been her way of saying goodbye and attempting to lessen your pain at her departure. It may also have been her soul was already on its way, it was just a matter of the physical body letting go its hold on her spirit. But you can rest assured she left this existence with love for you. And she carries that love with her still.

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RE: Do you believe animals have souls? I've wondered a lot lately about this~ - by ThePaladin - 05-15-2015, 04:10 PM

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