05-17-2015, 02:21 PM
Holy moly, checking in, in-between this thing called summoning a homestead together. That run is speaking to me but in a way that also speaks to the intense last 48 hours! We've been doing Sessions with the Bricks to move our cabin, somewhat angered that people who said they would help on the critical day yesterday didn't show up.. Gambled and scored a costly taxi to get the cabin moved in the form of a 5 man work crew and big machinery invited for a number of hours thanks to my husband's sister. The cost is a lot, and the move will happen Wednesday, we were exhausted from continued deconstruction, but travelled to westlock and got the ground broken with veggies. On the way from there my husband got sick, and blew "pieces" all over the place, and was sick all night. Still tired today, and lots of work ahead still.