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DF_Eagle1-01 -- Oct 2014 -- Food production suffers as a result of drought
Now, hopefully people who are sort of following this will have briefed themselves with the presentation of our solar system as a not a flat plate sitting in space doing nothing. That it is instead a cone with the Sun speeding through space at some speed far in excess of anything which human technology is known to possess, and we are therefore trapped inside the comma of the Suns' Heliospause. Neither the earth nor any other planets rotate around the sun, rather we rotate in a expansive cone behind the Sun, tracing a helical pathway, and so no planet has ever gone on the backside of the Sun, nor do we or any other planets ever retrace the same area of space. We and our entire system are speeding around the Galactic Core of the Milkyway Galaxy The Sun leads the solar system and we follow like beads caught up in a vortex of energies created by the speeding mass of the Sun itself.

I presented this link in the original post with the Expanding Planet Model. Here it is to see and the idea behind this has to do with how the Sun operates in terms of where is it getting it's energy, which is really something no knows, despite whatever anyone claims to contrary. However, it isn't likely to just be a big beach ball sitting there setting off thermonuclear like explosive energy without an interaction, and this is undoubtedly linked to
the movement of our Star through the space of our galaxy.

Ultimately, you're going to have to ask your own self what makes more sense when you try to assemble basic cosmological functions, such as how the Sun operates, such as where it's drawing its' energy from, and so on and so forth, because I do not see how a person can make sense of dreams with an in accurate understanding of these things since we are fundamentally interacting with Universe and it is acting upon us. Therefore these dreams which we are now receiving are linked to the repressed understandings which I'm forwarding here, and this is the object in bringing them here.

Some of the dream data is suggesting potential interruptions in the flow of electrons may be in store, or inductive overloads upon microcircuits which
lead to malfunctions and failures, which we have likely already seen but have papered over as defective manufactured circuits. One example might be car which evidently suffered a series of phantom out of control accelerations, and I'm sure there are others.

Keeping the aforementioned in mind then, the link to the site of Anthonly L. Perrat is something which I believe it is wise to become acquainted with.
Think Norway Spiral here as an open invitation to read, or at least skim the PDF's available on this site. I'm sure you can also find others with Anthonly L. Perrats' work in pdf  elsewhere as well.

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RE: DF_Eagle1-01 -- Oct 2014 -- Food production suffers as a result of drought - by Balsa - 10-11-2014, 03:44 AM

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