05-21-2015, 09:37 AM
Wow. I don't know of a better way to introduce my eventual therapy for bipolar clients. As you might know, bipolar is very well correlated with creativity, and I can go on and on about this topic. Now, I just happened to have started a new model for living some time ago, and since I started my recent degree, I've become hell-bent that I will one day convert my model into a bipolar therapy model. Right now it's called "YippYball," but that would obviously change to make it much more scientific. Anyway, the future therapy would be modeled off of this.... www.yippyball.com
In essence, esholars is DEAD ON RIGHT! If we only concern ourselves with equalizing the neurotransmitters, we accidentally create zombies. Note that this is exactly what is happening with all the anti-psychotic medication being freely disseminated to so many Americans. So the answer isn't to keep the hormones exactly balanced at all times, but rather to get the ecosystem in balance. And this would allow creative bipolar people to learn how to get even more creative without having the psychotic episodes.....ideally all this would happen without mainstream medication. We'd do it holistically.
In essence, esholars is DEAD ON RIGHT! If we only concern ourselves with equalizing the neurotransmitters, we accidentally create zombies. Note that this is exactly what is happening with all the anti-psychotic medication being freely disseminated to so many Americans. So the answer isn't to keep the hormones exactly balanced at all times, but rather to get the ecosystem in balance. And this would allow creative bipolar people to learn how to get even more creative without having the psychotic episodes.....ideally all this would happen without mainstream medication. We'd do it holistically.