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Checking Forum thru the day
XeeMay, et al.,

I just got finished visiting with a large gathering of family members, and I just realized something poignant. I was speaking with some pretty educated and aware individuals, but none of them were keenly aware of the biggest things going on in current affairs. I was shocked, actually. They were starting conversations about chem trails and other cool topics, but then I mentioned some of the top memes we've been talking about here, and they all turned stone-faced (meaning they thought they were at the cutting edge of current affairs but suddenly realized that they were not).

I guess my point is that even though we currently have a small amount of people regularly posting (despite having thousands of unique visitors each month), THIS WEBSITE is literally at the very cutting edge of reality! I took it for granted that we have some really early looks into the various possible future scenarios, and just about every topic area is accounted for, from food to entertainment and sports to military and finance. The contributors on this site are extremely illuminating. This puts us on the cutting edge.....of reality.

My creative mind is swirling with new ideas. No, no, Windy, don't big changes yet. However, going forward I think we do need to at least acknowledge that we have a hidden talent: Identifying or just being aware of the most important collective topics that are coming short term and medium term. I think this is a natural by-product of actively trying to forecast the future. Dreams are so diverse and colorful, allowing us to really hone in on what is most important in our collective reality.

Where am I going with this? In addition to future predictions, I think I'd like to start a new page or calendar or forum where we simply talk about POSSIBLE futures. Yo, AwakenedDreamer, this would be the re-institution of P3 because it would have to be a delicate mixture of P1 and P2. Sorry I don't have time to go into the details but not to worry....its all saved in the back of my brain Cool

Messages In This Thread
Checking Forum thru the day - by Cassandra - 05-18-2015, 09:48 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Eagle1 - 05-18-2015, 09:51 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by still - 05-18-2015, 09:54 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Cassandra - 05-18-2015, 10:44 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by still - 05-18-2015, 10:45 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Cassandra - 05-18-2015, 11:07 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by still - 05-18-2015, 11:08 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Eagle1 - 05-18-2015, 11:29 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Cassandra - 05-18-2015, 11:36 AM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by esholars - 05-18-2015, 12:14 PM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by ThePaladin - 05-18-2015, 06:17 PM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Nanny - 05-18-2015, 07:10 PM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by XeeMaye - 05-23-2015, 02:13 PM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Eagle1 - 05-23-2015, 04:15 PM
RE: Checking Forum thru the day - by Nanny - 05-23-2015, 06:07 PM

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