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San Francisco crispy
My dreams are always in full colour/sound/cinematography; this one happened just before waking, 11 June 2010--after a day (beautiful, as only San Francisco can offer!) of exploring the City on foot, the three 60's+ women (in excellent shape) with me retreated to a fairly large church through two dark traditionally shaped doors, situated on a high corner, with many trees and much greenery about. It seemed more of a timing decision on their part, rather than any overwhelming urgency. They were dressed in an almost Amish manner, in long grey/faded light blue high waisted dresses, tied snugly with wide ribbon/similar, and long grey hair tied ininformal ponytails so it flowed down their backs. They did not seem out of place whatsoever while this was happening.
I was then standing in my mid-rise south of Market office--light green high walls, with a view towards the freeway to the airport, and to the left, the bay. Through the large open window, I was amazed to see a small bright flash, followed by a mushroom cloud, than another, and than another. My first thought was how could soldiers be firing M388's with an M-29; I interrupted my partner on the west side of the office who was interviewing a young job candidate; the view outside his open window was much more ominous, with a larger, noisy explosion that blocked the sun with debris. He was starting to panic; the candidate had that "deer in the headlights" look and was completely frozen.
I returned to my office and observed that the detonations were becoming larger, closer, and louder; cold chills enveloped me as I realized the true implications of what I was witnessing. I attempted to phone home with my mobile; the message stated that service was unavailable "at this time" but should be up within 24 hours.
I awoke anxious and distressed to another beautiful Southern California morning . . .

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San Francisco crispy - by JValdez - 06-11-2010, 08:27 AM

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