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Bowe Bergdahl...
The last several nights, I haven't had much in the way of dreams to enter. For the most part, I have been dreaming about different individuals "training" me to "see" things like auras, having me look at images and concentrate, then after my lessons I would be sent on a wild, dream adventure to practice what I have learned... but I remember so very little about them that I didn't feel like they were worth putting in...

Last night, however, I was being taught how to see different spirit bodies. Orbs in particular. Someone was teaching me that I could take a sort of mental snapshot of how I felt and where I was before I began so that if things got too wild for me, I could remember and return to my "normal" place. It made sense in the dream. I practiced and watched an orange orb for a while before snapping out of it and having a horrible feeling. I guess it was my adventure time...

I realized that I was sitting in a bed in a small room after my little vision of the orb. I just had a really cruddy stomach-sinking feeling. There were two other men in the room, both were handcuffed. One I didn't recognize and the other I did, but it took me a second to realize just where I knew him from. It was Bowe Bergdahl! The guy that Obama had just traded 5 terrorist for.

Words cannot express just how horrified and disgusted I felt from being in the room with these two men, I felt this way even before recognizing Bowe. Someone had come into the room to escort the men into another room. I went with them, accidentally being caught between them. As if I wasn't horrified with their presence enough, being between the two of them sent what felt like waves of electricity through me and I could feel every one of my hairs stand on end. Something most certainly wasn't right with these guys.

In the other room, there was a dog running around. A very cute dog, and I played with the dog while keeping an eye on and studying these two guys. They smiled at me while I played with the dog. They looked genuine... but I could feel, FEEL all kinds of hate and disgust radiate out of them. They absolutely hated me with every fiber of their being.

When I felt this, I looked Bowe dead in the eye. He was still smiling sweetly. He LOOKED sincere... but I knew better. When I looked in his eyes, it dawned on me and I thought to myself "OMG... he means to commit Jihad!" I don't know how I jumped to that conclusion... but I felt very strongly about it. I just somehow knew.

I was shown by some officer the belongings they took from him. One of the items was a watch, the time had stopped on it and on the back was something scratched in Arabic with a date next to it. I can't remember the date or the time that the watch had stopped working now. I was overwhelmed with the idea of what these guys might be planning to do... and who they might be planning to do it to.

Throughout the rest of the dream, I followed these guys around regardless of how they made me feel... I was hoping to find a way to stop them, but I didn't know how.

I woke up in a panic... thoroughly horrified and told my husband my dream. He said he wasn't surprised by it, but it made him want to get out of bed at 4 am to smoke, so I'm thinking it bothered him a bit too...

Here's hoping this is just a dream...

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Bowe Bergdahl... - by Elyse - 06-20-2014, 05:35 AM

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