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9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone"
(09-16-2015, 08:41 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: <----- DISCUSSION ----->
I am not ready to fully return from my break (or rather breakdown), but I can’t stand going more time without some bot runs. I still have not read any of the other threads or latest posts. I’m going to make every effort to put botruns out daily, but it will be challenging until early October. An aside….I’m rather frightened by this run. I almost wish I didn’t run the bot this morning! Lol.

Don't worry! You get out any bot runs you can and we'll do the rest. This month has been a hell of a month for a lot of people in terms of emotional/physical turmoil. There's alot of strain everywhere one looks so it's no wonder things are coming apart at the seams in random places where we least expect it.

Something that jumps out at me in this run is the word August, it's out of place in terms of meaning for the month of august. This instance maybe more the alternate meanings of: distinguished, respected, eminent, venerable, hallowed, illustrious, prestigious, renowned, celebrated, honored, acclaimed, esteemed, exalted;

automatic flirting argument art negative Be aware how easy it is to slip into the negative during this volatile month, do your best to consciously push interactions back into the positive.
heads ten hilarious liked Humor, the best medicine. Get together in small groups and have a bit of fun, you need it.
edited storm nor double dry Geoengineering reference here, storm systems are being messed with.
appreciate luck future gone Luck may fizzle in the future, time to make our own luck!
god powered sunday empty murder affect church Thi8ngs are escalating between radicalised Muslims and Christians
met sure busy house Now should be a busy time of preparation considering the world is in chaos, some people are busy, get busy!
glad reason cannot monster sound Something is being inhibited from speaking, and this is a good thing
answer game question happening glass facing what's the answer to the question the Game is currently presenting to us?

hospital message back method We might get a story here regarding a healthcare system and their back end dealings
step send ship consciousness This one could be either migrant+ships day residue or a new development on that front
cool breach awesome profile Look for someone/something spectacular to cause a breach. this could be an event like Anonymous successfully fighting back on a cause.
fish view Remember we are IN the fishbowl, it's hard to get a clear view sometimes
heavy tree pregnant board I think this is referring to an administrative board about to spawn their plans, the trees are heaviest in berries just before a hard winter. Anyone noticed how over-laden the mountain ash trees are right now?
moon third distant august camera This could be a reference to the planet Venus as it's the 3rd brightest natural body in the sky, possibly some great photo ops coming up for it for some areas, not so much for other areas.
monsters mention hope when the Populace loses hope, riots and Revolution can ensue, the door is open, so TPTB push a hopeful message, even if it's a lie.
enter dream sun ray
valid credit card payment up The big Credit Freeze has begun, time to pay our debts.

Messages In This Thread
9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone" - by Eagle1 - 09-16-2015, 08:41 AM
RE: 9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone" - by Cassandra - 09-16-2015, 11:19 AM
RE: 9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone" - by Shadewolf - 09-16-2015, 11:38 AM
RE: 9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone" - by Sherriann - 09-16-2015, 12:54 PM
RE: 9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone" - by Shadewolf - 09-16-2015, 01:01 PM
RE: 9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone" - by *AD - 09-16-2015, 05:13 PM
RE: 9/16/15 "Luck Future Gone" - by Nanny - 12-16-2015, 03:41 AM

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