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The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer
I wish I could remember all of this dream because it was kinda fun. It was like an adventure!

Anyway, at the beginning of the dream, I had a cute Asian boyfriend. We were cutting up and getting along great, but I didn't feel that sort of strong connection with him like you would expect to feel with someone you are supposed to be with. In fact, in spite of how great we got along, I felt sort of empty. It took me a minute to understand why... but then I realized that he was blind. I would take him by the arm and drag him all around to tell him about all of my favorite things (Flowers, bugs, animals, art, ect.) and he couldn't see it. I was disappointed to say the least, because I am very artsy and so things like that mean a lot to me. I really enjoy taking in the beauty of things. But I knew he was blind and just couldn't see what I saw. I felt very sorry for him and I felt like it would just be wrong to break up with him and leave him hanging without someone to look after him. Anyway, I took him to a mall. This place was all decked out in Kawaii type stuff, so I got the impression I must have been in Japan. Tokyo maybe? There were a group of girls dancing, and as we walked by, someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the group. Not a problem because I love to dance, but I didn't know this dance... so I was a bit embarrassed but picked it up very quickly and rocked it. Anyway, after the dance some of the other girls complimented me and I was just so excited I was beside myself. As I talked to them they asked if I danced much, and I told them I used to all the time, but that I had quit the past few years... but was trying to make habit of dancing with my fans at least an hour a day. They all started bouncing around wanting to see my fans. I dug around in my bag to find my silk fans and did a really quick and easy dance for them, feeling a bit shy because I haven't danced for anyone since before I had kids. I didn't feel like I had done the BEST job in the world... partially from being so rusty and also from being so shy about it... but every one of them just seemed so amazed and wanted me to make them fans and teach them to dance too... So, I was just beaming and feeling LOVELY when I look over to my boyfriend preparing myself to just feel sort of empty and sad because he couldn't enjoy my dance... But when I looked at him, I saw him looking at another girl. Following her with his eyes! He wasn't blind to everyone! He was just blind to me and the things I loved. I wasn't even mad. I could tell by the way the girl looked back at him that she liked him... so I ran over to where he was and grabbed his hand and dragged him to this girl with him stumbling the entire way, still as if he were blind. I put his hand in her hand and it was like he could suddenly see. And the girl looked so nervous as if I was gonna be mad, but I wasn't. Not at ALL. I was SOOOOOOOOOO happy for both of them! They had that sort of instant connection and it was so strong even I could feel it.

I left the mall feeling like I had accomplished a good thing. But I did start to feel a bit lonely after a while. I was thinking of someone who had really broken my heart and sort of felt like either I had missed my chance at a connection like those two at the mall had, or just hadn't found it yet. I walked next to this rainbow river and just sorta watched it as I walked along it thinking that the way that I was, I wouldn't be able to find that... so the only way to get it would be to change. So I sat down looking into the rainbow water thinking that the only way to do that would to be to decide WHAT I wanted to be and then just BE that. I decided I was gonna pick something good and cosplay as that until I BECAME that... so what did I want to be? I decided I wanted to be a sort of cleric/healer and so I went to work just pulling stuff out of nowhere to make myself a costume. When I was done, i had a lovely sheer, white, flowing gown type thing and a set of wings. I looked like a freaking angel! The wings even really worked, so the first thing I did was fly around! I felt so free!

After flying around and just enjoying the feeling of it and the sight of everything, I noticed this man sitting alone under a tree in a forest. He had a huge book on his lap and it was open and I could see that there was very little in it. I guess he was suffering from writers block? Well, I felt like I needed to be here, so I quietly landed on a thick branch of a nearby tree. I think the man heard me because he started looking around, but I hid behind the girth of the tree until he settled himself. When he looked back down at his book, I sat down on the limb and just sorta watched him. Every once in a while he would scribble something, but then just drop his pen as if he were frustrated. I wanted to help him... but I also didn't want to be seen... so I looked around me thinking there HAD to be something I could do from a distance. There was some ivy growing up the side of this tree with GREEN ROSES growing on it. Seemed normal in the dream, so I would pick a rose and just sort of pull apart the rose petals and drop them and watch the wind blow them towards this man. As I did this he started writing like crazy! After a while, he called out for me to come out from hiding... and I begrudgingly said I would, worried to death how he would react to me... I am very good at worrying about EVERYTHING... like what he would think of me dressed the way I was, me spying on him from the tree...(I mean.. that IS kinda creepy)  then worried if he would think I was pretty or not... I had a hard time getting down from the branch... It felt like my wings suddenly wouldn't work and I was too far up to jump down without getting hurt. I had to climb down the tree... NOW is when I realize the rose ivy has thorns in it, and I was getting all cut up trying to climb down, so I just let go and drop. The man helped me up and dusted me off... and while he was doing that I, asked how he knew I was there, and he laughed and said he knew all those rose petals didn't just fall off and blow towards him on their own. I sorta laughed too... because I guess that WAS pretty obvious. He had me sit down next to him and rest while he talked to me and wrote in his book. When he was done, I walked with him to his house. There were a lot of people there... and I can't remember how this happened, but his whole house was set on fire! The roof and walls and everything were just gone, all that was left was this wood plank flooring that was all on fire. On the floor I saw the man's book. It wasn't on fire yet, but I felt like it would catch fire itself at any moment. I could only sorta get my wings to work, so I run and jump and sorta glide with the idea that I can glide JUST over the flames and snatch the book up... but it didn't work out that way. As I was gliding over the flames, some of my feathers caught fire and I fell onto the floor and took off running for the book. My feet were burning, but it went from hurting to just sort of feeling numb, so I could run even faster. I grabbed the book and held it tight as I ran across the floor. I was just going to keep running until I reached the other end of the floor and jump off into the grass... but the floor caved in on me. I had my eyes closed and was still clutching that book... but when I didn't hit the ground, I peeked from one eye. That man had caught me by the back of my gown.He set me down on the grass and it felt sooo cool and refreshing. I looked behind me and saw my wings were really messed up. They just looked like little scorched bones sticking out of my back...they had grown into me... and I thought maybe I should just saw them off now, because I didn't seem to think they would grow back. I guess he noticed how upset I was, and the man told me that he liked me more without wings because I was "More down to earth" (LOL!!!) I handed the man the book and he started crying so I asked him why and he said he couldn't believe that someone would do what I had just done for him. I told him it was okay, because I knew how important this book was. We talked and started joking around a bit and I asked him what was in that book, but before he could answer, I woke up.

Messages In This Thread
The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer - by Elyse - 05-03-2016, 07:53 PM
RE: The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer - by Nanny - 05-03-2016, 08:57 PM
RE: The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer - by Elyse - 05-03-2016, 09:03 PM
RE: The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer - by Nanny - 05-03-2016, 09:08 PM
RE: The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer - by Elyse - 05-03-2016, 09:26 PM
RE: The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer - by Elyse - 05-04-2016, 05:01 PM
RE: The Blind Boyfriend and The Writer - by Nanny - 05-04-2016, 08:25 PM

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