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6/25/18 Religion vs Science
Eagle, sound was quiet but you could be heard.

This past weekend there were many gay pride parades across the country and the world.  In fact I am visiting New England and MANY city and towns are filled with rainbow flags and rainbow crosswalks.  That fits with with the religion / science conflict.  It would include most all your bule /red words plus many of the non colored words.

Cassandra, yes, some of us have have the bot speak directly to them about things happening in their life.  Once I was dropping off my daughter for the beginning of her college year and that is basically what it was saying and it also included her college mascot name . It was about 8 words which spoke to the moment of my experience that day.

Messages In This Thread
6/25/18 Religion vs Science - by Eagle1 - 06-25-2018, 06:23 AM
RE: 6/25/18 Religion vs Science - by Cassandra - 06-25-2018, 08:11 AM
RE: 6/25/18 Religion vs Science - by Cassandra - 06-25-2018, 10:11 AM
RE: 6/25/18 Religion vs Science - by twiceblessed9 - 06-26-2018, 09:12 PM

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