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Uneasy vibe I'm feeling too?
This was wonderful. Sounded like you "thought into the keyboard" and I "luv" it.

Yes, about folks that won't hear, or see. I think some of them "can't." Their destiny isn't to do so because they are the weaker souls, among us? Eyes-wide-open is a gift, but my sweet hubby can't let himself see too far in the distance or too much. He told me he couldn't stand the negativity. I said to him, "I'm not an optimist, I'm not a pessimist. I'm a realist." Then, I discerned silence was necessary.

I meditate to be able to witness my consciousness raised. When "up there" I can't help but see reality, and so-far it hasn't driven me back to choosing blindness, and doubt it ever will. Just makes it not easy to laugh, and I love it when I do laugh. What a gift.

Sooner than later, a new age is dawning. We aren't allowed any choice in the matter. It's gonna get rough just like a woman's birth pains. I can't worry if I'm ready to face it. One moment at a time. Things always haunt the mind, making us dread anything we know we are going to have to do. I always! always look back at a moment, event or year of my life, or just a season of it, and realize that whatever it was, once I was *in* it, was not as bad as my thoughts made it out to be.

If we are truly humble, not before people but before Creator, we're going to be fine. Tested, yes, but we'll somehow be fine. Evil will not prevail upon us. Its number one desire is to eat at our souls, provoking us to "fall" to hate, despair and other terrible emotions. It wants to take good souls and turn us into bad ones.

We will be fine.

(11-15-2014, 04:33 AM)NADW Wrote: I picked Idaho due to an Aerial dream i once had, and the facts i know about the area... it is far enough from the coast as well.

I would love to live in a cabin some place with no TV, Cell Phones, Internet, growing my own food, hunting, & fishing, cutting fire wood, canning my own food and making my own soaps, ceremonies would be every day in that environment and my dreams i believe would change to things of my own survival and what i needed to do, although with the way i dream i am sure i would still see CNN news every night so i wouldn't be too far disconnected from everyone else.

Being a small business owner and my husband being a small business owner, it is difficult to uproot your business and start over, when you have no income for either person, so savings is definitely in order. But i have had this conversation with my husband and he said i could move where ever i wanted and he would join me in a few years. :| REALLY?

Also i care for my aging mother, and as much the idea sounds nice to her, she needs a Walmart close by! LMAO Especially in a place with no modern conveniences. Toilet paper or lack there of would bother her the most! Me I just need the land, and a few wood working tools, a nice long summer of decent weather, and i can build my own cabin. (A Horse would be nice for moving logs though if i have to do it by myself) This way of living is not available any more, you now have to have permits, and pay annual taxes.... yadda yadda...

In my dream which i have never shared here at the NDC, this dream happened back in 2005, **i was coming home from an "off world" visit and was Aerial over the US. The Aerial view showed me the map lines so i know this was the US. I saw land masses in the pacific that were not suppose to be there, and i saw parts of the US under water, I saw old oceans from prehistoric times coming up through Texas, new mexico, Arizona, and i saw California and east coast of the US as small Islands, and i saw a large land mass in the gold of Mexico stretching east but FL was gone! and the Mississippi looked like it torn the land apart because it was so wide, Louisiana was under water. Nothing was as we know it to be right now! As i descended closer to California i saw people like large herds of Buffalo heading uphill, all of the coast lines were lined with dead bodies. The natural resources were being used up very quickly! ** I remember waking up and turning on the news, because i thought this was happening right now, it took me two days to shake the fear from the dream.

I recently watched a documentary about Edgar Casey and boy did that wake me up! It took me right back to the dream.

The direction my guide is driving me, for fact based dreams, and to remove myself emotionally so i can see the facts and remember the details is something that also has me wondering why would he want this for me, unless it is to prepare for something coming where i need to not be afraid, but will need to be logical in order to over come, or survive?

Ignorance is bliss...
I have mixed emotions for those that choose to keep their eyes closed, one half of me envy's their choice and makes me happy that their souls will be going home, the other half leaves me baffled at how so many can turn a blind eye to all of the warning signs that sit right in front of their faces, but there TV programs and celebrity news used as blinders are a comfort for them that things will always remain pleasant and comforting, with no care for the future. These self blinded people who have not worked out their souls learning for this life time, will they have to come back to a broken world, and the numbers will not bounce back so quickly, so they will wait in line for a long time waiting for a body to finish their souls work.

The earth will SCREAM for years of their fears, and this land will be a haunting place for a long time...
...because they didn't see it coming.

Wow this turned into a book! Sorry

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